#using Distributed
#@everywhere using MambaModels
using MambaModels, MCMCChains


globe_toss = Dict{Symbol, Any}(
  :w => [6, 7, 5, 6, 6],
  :n => [9, 9, 9, 9, 9]
globe_toss[:N] = length(globe_toss[:w]);

Model Specification

model = Model(
  w = Stochastic(1,
    (n, p, N) ->
      UnivariateDistribution[Binomial(n[i], p) for i in 1:N],
  p = Stochastic(() -> Beta(1, 1))
Object of type "Model"
An unmonitored node of type "0-element ArrayStochastic{1}"
A monitored node of type "ScalarStochastic"

Initial Values

inits = [
  Dict(:w => globe_toss[:w], :n => globe_toss[:n], :p => 0.5),
  Dict(:w => globe_toss[:w], :n => globe_toss[:n], :p => rand(Beta(1, 1)))
2-element Array{Dict{Symbol,Any},1}:
 Dict(:w=>[6, 7, 5, 6, 6],:p=>0.5,:n=>[9, 9, 9, 9, 9])
 Dict(:w=>[6, 7, 5, 6, 6],:p=>0.202661,:n=>[9, 9, 9, 9, 9])

Sampling Scheme

scheme = [NUTS(:p)]
setsamplers!(model, scheme);
Object of type "Model"
An unmonitored node of type "0-element ArrayStochastic{1}"
A monitored node of type "ScalarStochastic"

MCMC Simulations

chn = mcmc(model, globe_toss, inits, 10000, burnin=2500, thin=1, chains=2);
MCMC Simulation of 10000 Iterations x 2 Chains...

Chain 1:   0% [0:02:03 of 0:02:03 remaining]
Chain 1:  10% [0:00:02 of 0:00:02 remaining]
Chain 1:  20% [0:00:01 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 1:  30% [0:00:01 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 1:  40% [0:00:01 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 1:  50% [0:00:01 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 1:  60% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 1:  70% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 1:  80% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 1:  90% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 1: 100% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]

Chain 2:   0% [0:00:01 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2:  10% [0:00:01 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2:  20% [0:00:01 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2:  30% [0:00:01 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2:  40% [0:00:01 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2:  50% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2:  60% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2:  70% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2:  80% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2:  90% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]
Chain 2: 100% [0:00:00 of 0:00:01 remaining]

Object of type "ModelChains"

Iterations = 2501:10000
Thinning interval = 1
Chains = 1,2
Samples per chain = 7500

[0.650524; 0.650524; … ; 0.818101; 0.469521]

[0.64673; 0.684643; … ; 0.673103; 0.673103]

Describe draws

Iterations = 2501:10000
Thinning interval = 1
Chains = 1,2
Samples per chain = 7500

Empirical Posterior Estimates:
     Mean         SD       Naive SE       MCSE      ESS
p 0.66071519 0.068371674 0.0005582524 0.0006200058 7500

     2.5%     25.0%     50.0%      75.0%      97.5%
p 0.5198508 0.6144447 0.6629172 0.70996386 0.78285723

Convert to MCMCChains.Chains object

chn2 = MCMCChains.Chains(chn.value, Symbol.(chn.names))
Object of type Chains, with data of type 7500×1×2 Array{Union{Missing, Float64},3}

Log evidence      = 0.0
Iterations        = 1:7500
Thinning interval = 1
Chains            = Chain1, Chain2
Samples per chain = 7500
parameters        = p

   Mean    SD   Naive SE  MCSE   ESS
p 0.6607 0.0684   0.0006 0.0006 7500

Describe the MCMCChains

Log evidence      = 0.0
Iterations        = 1:7500
Thinning interval = 1
Chains            = Chain1, Chain2
Samples per chain = 7500
parameters        = p

Empirical Posterior Estimates:
   Mean    SD   Naive SE  MCSE   ESS
p 0.6607 0.0684   0.0006 0.0006 7500

   2.5%   25.0%  50.0% 75.0%  97.5%
p 0.4111 0.6144 0.6629  0.71 0.8786

Plot chn2

0 2000 4000 6000 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 p Iteration Sample value 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 1 2 3 4 5 p Sample value Density

End of 02/m2.1m.jl

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