#using Distributed
#@everywhere using MambaModels
using MambaModels
# Data
line = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
howell1 = CSV.read(rel_path("..", "data", "Howell1.csv"), delim=';')
df = convert(DataFrame, howell1);
height | weight | age | male | |
Float64⍰ | Float64⍰ | Float64⍰ | Int64⍰ | |
1 | 151.765 | 47.8256 | 63.0 | 1 |
2 | 139.7 | 36.4858 | 63.0 | 0 |
3 | 136.525 | 31.8648 | 65.0 | 0 |
4 | 156.845 | 53.0419 | 41.0 | 1 |
5 | 145.415 | 41.2769 | 51.0 | 0 |
6 | 163.83 | 62.9926 | 35.0 | 1 |
7 | 149.225 | 38.2435 | 32.0 | 0 |
8 | 168.91 | 55.48 | 27.0 | 1 |
9 | 147.955 | 34.8699 | 19.0 | 0 |
10 | 165.1 | 54.4877 | 54.0 | 1 |
11 | 154.305 | 49.8951 | 47.0 | 0 |
12 | 151.13 | 41.2202 | 66.0 | 1 |
13 | 144.78 | 36.0322 | 73.0 | 0 |
14 | 149.9 | 47.7 | 20.0 | 0 |
15 | 150.495 | 33.8493 | 65.3 | 0 |
16 | 163.195 | 48.5627 | 36.0 | 1 |
17 | 157.48 | 42.3258 | 44.0 | 1 |
18 | 143.942 | 38.3569 | 31.0 | 0 |
19 | 121.92 | 19.6179 | 12.0 | 1 |
20 | 105.41 | 13.948 | 8.0 | 0 |
21 | 86.36 | 10.4893 | 6.5 | 0 |
22 | 161.29 | 48.9879 | 39.0 | 1 |
23 | 156.21 | 42.7227 | 29.0 | 0 |
24 | 129.54 | 23.5868 | 13.0 | 1 |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ |
Use only adults
df2 = filter(row -> row[:age] >= 18, df);
mean_weight = mean(df2[:weight])
df2[:weight_c] = convert(Vector{Float64}, df2[:weight]) .- mean_weight ;
line[:x] = convert(Array{Float64,1}, df2[:weight_c]);
line[:y] = convert(Array{Float64,1}, df2[:height]);
line[:xmat] = convert(Array{Float64,2}, [ones(length(line[:x])) line[:x]])
352×2 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 2.83512
1.0 -8.50468
1.0 -13.1256
1.0 8.05143
1.0 -3.71361
1.0 18.0021
1.0 -6.74701
1.0 10.4895
1.0 -10.1206
1.0 9.49725
1.0 2.89182
1.0 -5.58468
1.0 -3.94041
1.0 -4.16721
1.0 2.04133
1.0 -10.7443
1.0 7.17259
1.0 9.07201
1.0 7.54114
Model Specification
model = Model(
y = Stochastic(1,
(xmat, beta, s2) -> MvNormal(xmat * beta, sqrt(s2)),
beta = Stochastic(1, () -> MvNormal([178, 0], [sqrt(10000), sqrt(100)])),
s2 = Stochastic(() -> Uniform(0, 50))
Object of type "Model"
A monitored node of type "0-element ArrayStochastic{1}"
An unmonitored node of type "0-element ArrayStochastic{1}"
A monitored node of type "ScalarStochastic"
Initial Values
inits = [
Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:y => line[:y],
:beta => [rand(Normal(178, 100)), rand(Normal(0, 10))],
:s2 => rand(Uniform(0, 50))
for i in 1:3
3-element Array{Dict{Symbol,Any},1}:
Dict(:beta=>[234.716, 1.74853],:y=>[151.765, 139.7, 136.525, 156.845, 145.415, 163.83, 149.225, 168.91, 147.955, 165.1 … 156.21, 160.655, 146.05, 156.21, 152.4, 162.56, 142.875, 162.56, 156.21, 158.75],:s2=>23.6892)
Dict(:beta=>[274.993, -10.9435],:y=>[151.765, 139.7, 136.525, 156.845, 145.415, 163.83, 149.225, 168.91, 147.955, 165.1 … 156.21, 160.655, 146.05, 156.21, 152.4, 162.56, 142.875, 162.56, 156.21, 158.75],:s2=>35.776)
Dict(:beta=>[195.061, 7.02901],:y=>[151.765, 139.7, 136.525, 156.845, 145.415, 163.83, 149.225, 168.91, 147.955, 165.1 … 156.21, 160.655, 146.05, 156.21, 152.4, 162.56, 142.875, 162.56, 156.21, 158.75],:s2=>38.2237)
Tuning Parameters
scale1 = [0.5, 0.25]
summary1 = identity
eps1 = 0.5
scale2 = 0.5
summary2 = x -> [mean(x); sqrt(var(x))]
eps2 = 0.1
Define sampling scheme
scheme = [
Mamba.Slice([:s2], 10)
setsamplers!(model, scheme)
Object of type "Model"
A monitored node of type "0-element ArrayStochastic{1}"
An unmonitored node of type "0-element ArrayStochastic{1}"
A monitored node of type "ScalarStochastic"
MCMC Simulation
chn = mcmc(model, line, inits, 10000, burnin=1000, chains=3)
MCMC Simulation of 10000 Iterations x 3 Chains...
Chain 1: 0% [0:45:36 of 0:45:39 remaining]
Chain 1: 10% [0:00:29 of 0:00:32 remaining]
Chain 1: 20% [0:00:16 of 0:00:20 remaining]
Chain 1: 30% [0:00:10 of 0:00:15 remaining]
Chain 1: 40% [0:00:07 of 0:00:12 remaining]
Chain 1: 50% [0:00:05 of 0:00:11 remaining]
Chain 1: 60% [0:00:04 of 0:00:10 remaining]
Chain 1: 70% [0:00:03 of 0:00:09 remaining]
Chain 1: 80% [0:00:02 of 0:00:08 remaining]
Chain 1: 90% [0:00:01 of 0:00:08 remaining]
Chain 1: 100% [0:00:00 of 0:00:08 remaining]
Chain 2: 0% [0:00:03 of 0:00:03 remaining]
Chain 2: 10% [0:00:03 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 2: 20% [0:00:03 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 2: 30% [0:00:03 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 2: 40% [0:00:03 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 2: 50% [0:00:02 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 2: 60% [0:00:02 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 2: 70% [0:00:01 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 2: 80% [0:00:01 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 2: 90% [0:00:00 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 2: 100% [0:00:00 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 0% [0:00:02 of 0:00:02 remaining]
Chain 3: 10% [0:00:03 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 20% [0:00:03 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 30% [0:00:03 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 40% [0:00:02 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 50% [0:00:02 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 60% [0:00:02 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 70% [0:00:01 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 80% [0:00:01 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 90% [0:00:00 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Chain 3: 100% [0:00:00 of 0:00:04 remaining]
Object of type "ModelChains"
Iterations = 1001:10000
Thinning interval = 1
Chains = 1,2,3
Samples per chain = 9000
[24.5338 154.186 0.896712; 29.2975 154.186 0.896712; … ; 28.2548 154.422 0.858305; 28.0598 154.954 0.964935]
[25.9371 154.413 0.875213; 26.4889 154.546 0.89657; … ; 24.0353 154.949 0.889058; 24.2107 154.489 0.898575]
[27.9343 154.776 0.831786; 28.6161 154.335 0.960829; … ; 23.2665 154.636 0.884034; 24.3545 154.406 0.914905]
Show draws summary
Iterations = 1001:10000
Thinning interval = 1
Chains = 1,2,3
Samples per chain = 9000
Empirical Posterior Estimates:
s2 26.15372585 1.992994994 0.01212898128 0.02070715765 9000.000
beta[1] 154.59176159 0.273999633 0.00166750866 0.00370996861 5454.557
beta[2] 0.90505901 0.042259614 0.00025718382 0.00030447388 9000.000
2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5%
s2 22.5331015 24.76312186 26.07240120 27.43844975 30.3452136
beta[1] 154.0449654 154.40813312 154.59342969 154.77637257 155.1237737
beta[2] 0.8216441 0.87691367 0.90513733 0.93351717 0.9878548
Convert to MCMCChains.Chains object
chn2 = MCMCChains.Chains(chn.value, Symbol.(chn.names))
Object of type Chains, with data of type 9000×3×3 Array{Union{Missing, Float64},3}
Log evidence = 0.0
Iterations = 1:9000
Thinning interval = 1
Chains = Chain1, Chain2, Chain3
Samples per chain = 9000
parameters = s2, beta[1], beta[2]
beta[1] 154.5918 0.2740 0.0017 0.0037 5454.557
beta[2] 0.9051 0.0423 0.0003 0.0003 9000.000
s2 26.1537 1.9930 0.0121 0.0207 9000.000
Describe the MCMCChains
Log evidence = 0.0
Iterations = 1:9000
Thinning interval = 1
Chains = Chain1, Chain2, Chain3
Samples per chain = 9000
parameters = s2, beta[1], beta[2]
Empirical Posterior Estimates:
beta[1] 154.5918 0.2740 0.0017 0.0037 5454.557
beta[2] 0.9051 0.0423 0.0003 0.0003 9000.000
s2 26.1537 1.9930 0.0121 0.0207 9000.000
2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5%
beta[1] 153.3728 154.4081 154.5934 154.7764 155.5619
beta[2] 0.7348 0.8769 0.9051 0.9335 1.0686
s2 19.5225 24.7631 26.0724 27.4384 36.2415
Plot chn2
End of 04/m4.1m.jl
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