
Of course, without this excellent textbook by Richard McElreath, this package would not have been possible. The author has also been supportive of this work and gave permission to use the datasets.

Richard Torkar has taken the lead in developing the Turing versions of the models in chapter 8 and subsequent chapters.

Tamas Papp has been very helpful during the development of the DynamicHMC versions of the models.

The TuringLang team and #turing contributors on Slack have been extremely helpful! The Turing examples by Cameron Pfiffer are followed closely in several example scripts.

The increasing use of Particles to represent quap approximations is possible thanks to the package MonteCarloMeasurements.jl. Soss.jl and related write-ups introduced me to that option.

Developing rethinking must have been an on-going process over several years, StatisticalRethinking.jl and associated packages will likely follow a similar path.