
Estimate handedness for each Chimpanzee

This is model m10.4 in Statistical Rethinking Edition 1.

  1. Data
  2. Model
  3. Output
  4. Original output


import CSV
import Random
import TuringModels

using DataFrames
using StatsFuns


data_path = joinpath(TuringModels.project_root, "data", "chimpanzees.csv")
df = CSV.read(data_path, DataFrame; delim=';')
first(df, 10)
10×8 DataFrame
 Row │ actor  recipient  condition  block  trial  prosoc_left  chose_prosoc  pulled_left
     │ Int64  String3    Int64      Int64  Int64  Int64        Int64         Int64
   1 │     1  NA                 0      1      2            0             1            0
   2 │     1  NA                 0      1      4            0             0            1
   3 │     1  NA                 0      1      6            1             0            0
   4 │     1  NA                 0      1      8            0             1            0
   5 │     1  NA                 0      1     10            1             1            1
   6 │     1  NA                 0      1     12            1             1            1
   7 │     1  NA                 0      2     14            1             0            0
   8 │     1  NA                 0      2     16            1             0            0
   9 │     1  NA                 0      2     18            0             1            0
  10 │     1  NA                 0      2     20            0             1            0


using Turing

@model function m10_4(y, actors, x₁, x₂)
    # Number of unique actors in the data set
    N_actor = length(unique(actors))

    # Set an TArray for the priors/param
    α ~ filldist(Normal(0, 10), N_actor)
    βp ~ Normal(0, 10)
    βpC ~ Normal(0, 10)

    logits = α[actors] .+ (βp .+ βpC * x₁) .* x₂
    y .~ BinomialLogit.(1, logits)

model = m10_4(df.pulled_left, df.actor, df.condition, df.prosoc_left);


chns = sample(model, NUTS(), 1000)
Chains MCMC chain (1000×21×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 501:1:1500
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 15.75 seconds
Compute duration  = 15.75 seconds
parameters        = α[1], α[2], α[3], α[4], α[5], α[6], α[7], βp, βpC
internals         = lp, n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, log_density, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size

Summary Statistics
  parameters      mean       std   naive_se      mcse        ess      rhat   ess_per_sec
      Symbol   Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64       Float64

        α[1]   -0.7377    0.2721     0.0086    0.0091   639.1715    0.9992       40.5772
        α[2]   11.0303    5.3937     0.1706    0.2720   437.6148    0.9992       27.7815
        α[3]   -1.0428    0.2809     0.0089    0.0107   704.7983    1.0030       44.7434
        α[4]   -1.0307    0.2784     0.0088    0.0107   762.8908    0.9990       48.4314
        α[5]   -0.7349    0.2638     0.0083    0.0115   710.3632    0.9990       45.0967
        α[6]    0.2367    0.2601     0.0082    0.0106   751.8580    1.0052       47.7310
        α[7]    1.8006    0.3624     0.0115    0.0104   922.3958    0.9990       58.5574
          βp    0.8205    0.2536     0.0080    0.0127   407.3226    0.9992       25.8585
         βpC   -0.1236    0.2932     0.0093    0.0130   588.2313    0.9998       37.3433

  parameters      2.5%     25.0%     50.0%     75.0%     97.5%
      Symbol   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64

        α[1]   -1.2618   -0.9355   -0.7342   -0.5380   -0.2085
        α[2]    4.1721    6.7234    9.7425   14.0508   24.0123
        α[3]   -1.6250   -1.2202   -1.0342   -0.8548   -0.5200
        α[4]   -1.6213   -1.2198   -1.0251   -0.8215   -0.5257
        α[5]   -1.2286   -0.9079   -0.7375   -0.5509   -0.2255
        α[6]   -0.2670    0.0567    0.2375    0.4183    0.7570
        α[7]    1.1343    1.5544    1.7847    2.0550    2.5570
          βp    0.3095    0.6572    0.8175    0.9947    1.3043
         βpC   -0.6576   -0.3275   -0.1176    0.0704    0.4420

using StatsPlots


Original output

m_10_04s_result = "
Iterations = 1:1000
Thinning interval = 1
Chains = 1,2,3,4
Samples per chain = 1000

Empirical Posterior Estimates:
        Mean        SD       Naive SE       MCSE      ESS
a.1 -0.74503184 0.26613979 0.0042080396 0.0060183398 1000
a.2 10.77955494 5.32538998 0.0842018089 0.1269148045 1000
a.3 -1.04982353 0.28535997 0.0045119373 0.0049074219 1000
a.4 -1.04898135 0.28129307 0.0044476339 0.0056325117 1000
a.5 -0.74390933 0.26949936 0.0042611590 0.0052178124 1000
a.6  0.21599365 0.26307574 0.0041595927 0.0045153523 1000
a.7  1.81090866 0.39318577 0.0062168129 0.0071483527 1000
bp  0.83979926 0.26284676 0.0041559722 0.0059795826 1000
bpC -0.12913322 0.29935741 0.0047332562 0.0049519863 1000